Care Kits for Kids Qld Inc.

Impact Stories

💕A 16-year-old boy put our little handcrafted stuffed fabric heart into his pocket to remind himself people cared, encouraging him to care what he made of his life. With the support of a wonderful foster family, he found an apprenticeship and turned his life around.
💕A traumatised young girl refused to undergo a shower and nits removal… until she realised our Care Kit had lovely new clothes AND fancy hair bows and hairclips just waiting for her to put them all (!) into lovely clean hair.
💕One 12 year old boy became very excited upon seeing the new pyjamas in his Care Kit. They happened to be exactly the same as the ones he had to leave behind!
💕Two amazing emergency and short-term foster carers once had a child arrive with no underpants, needing an emergency night trip to the shops. The next time, children arrived with their new Care Kits and had everything needed to be comfortable for the next 2 days. These carers now help support Care Kits for Kids Qld through Containers for Change / donations so more children in crisis can benefit.
💕One young child didn’t know how to use a toothbrush. He had never owned one before, let alone a brand new one just for himself!
💕One young girl mobilised her whole Grade 3 class to donate education items for Care Kits for Kits Qld.
💕One teenage girl used all her birthday money to put together a complete Care Kit for a teen girl doing it tough.
💕One young man from our disability group of volunteers proudly told everyone ‘I come to work, now!’
💕 A guest speaker at our thank you function for donors began with "I was one of those kids. I know what a huge difference it makes for a child to be given a Care Kit"
💕A mother who had escaped domestic violence with her children (and virtually nothing else), organised a huge donation for us at her large workplace as she knew how much of a practical difference, hope and comfort a comprehensive Care Kit can provide.