Care Kits for Kids Qld Inc.

Community creating Care Kits for Queensland children in care or crisis.

Care Kits for Kids Qld Inc.

Our Care Kits provide 2 days of practical essential needs, (new backpacks of new clothes, toiletries, education supplies, books, toys, quilts/wraps) giving comfort and dignity, showing children in care or crisis that they matter and their community cares.


🗓️ SAVE THE DATE: 9 Nov 2024
3 course Dinner at the Marriot Hotel.
Theme: James Bond


 JAL financial donations ongoing


HUGE THANKS to the JAL Julie-ann Lucas School of Dance community for their spectacular DANCE FOR A DIFFERENCE’ concert on 10 August 2024.
A JAL record for funds were raised for Care Kits for Kids Qld.
The JAL Donations page is still active for any further donations :
💃 DONATE here now for the JAL Dance for a Difference Fundraiser!💕



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Ways To Donate

GIVE! Help put a smile on a child's face. Show children in crisis that they matter, and their community cares. You can make a difference by donating time, skills, finances, in-kind or handmade items .

Community sewing for Care Kits

Join our Sewing & Crafting Community

We use donated fabric & yarn in the #waronwaste to make clothes, toys, pencil cases, hair accessories & bags for Care Kits. We accept #handmade items for babies through to teens.

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Find A Donation Point

Donations can be left at one of our Donation Points during business hours, or taken directly to 147 Samuel St Camp Hill any Monday, Thursday or 1st Saturday of the month.



What We Do

care kits for kids brisbane

We #give back

We provide an opportunity for  people, organisations and businesses to give back to their community so no child has to go without basic necessities, comfort or hope. DONATION POINTS are at MPs' and Councillors' offices around greater Brisbane. 

sewing group brisbane

We are #community

Since we began in Feb 2018, we have developed ever-growing networks with volunteers and  supporters  from all sectors of our community: school children to seniors; craft and community groups and businesses, large and small. Our giving, caring community is simply amazing!

charity sewing groups near me

We #waronwaste

Join our volunteers who create clothing, accessories, pencil cases, toys etc for Care Kits from donated fabric & yarn. Virtually nothing goes to landfill; textiles we can't use go to others who can use it. We accept handmade items. Join our sewing / craft groups. Or recycle your containers for us.

community sewing groups

We #educate

We can be booked for presentations to community organisations, schools and businesses around greater Brisbane, where we demonstrate Care Kit contents and the huge need for our Queensland community to help children in crisis or entering foster care. 

sewing groups for charity

We #fillthegap

We supply free age-specific Care Kits at point of need throughout Queensland to
💖 Qld Police Child Protection units,
💖 Qld Child Safety agencies,
💖 Foster and Kinship Care agencies,
💖 Domestic Violence agencies
💖 School and other programmes

knitting and sewing groups near me

We are #childsafe

All Care Kit contents are approved and reviewed as safe and relevant by Child Safety officers: “Your Care Kits are amazing. They have everything a child needs and nothing that they shouldn’t have.”  (Child Safety Officer Qld, 2020)



Who do we help?

What We Do - Who We Help

Around 12,000 Queensland children
aged 0 to 17
are in out-of-home care or in crisis.
(Qld Dept CYJMA, Dec 2022)

These children often leave
unsafe situations with nothing
the clothes they are wearing.
They may have no clothes that fit, no warm clothes, sometimes no undies or even a toothbrush.

We provide free age specific Care Kits 
containing 2 days’ supply of:
new clothing,
education supplies,
toy &
quilt / wrap.

Donations for these children
can be left at any of our

Care Kits_Care Bags_Care Packs

Why Choose Us

Request Care Kits

Our Care Kits can be requested
at no cost,
at point of need,
all year round
by any Queensland organisation who
directly assists children in crisis:

💖 Qld Police Child Protection units,

💖 Qld Child Safety services,

💖 Domestic Family Violence services

💖 Foster and Kinship Care services,

💖 Indigenous assistance services
💖 Programmes assisting children in crisis
eg floods, fire, refugees, schools…

Impact Stories

💕A 16-year-old boy put our little handmade stuffed fabric heart into his pocket to remind himself people cared, encouraging him to care what he made of his life.
💕A traumatised young girl refused to undergo a shower and nits removal… until she realised our Care Kit had lovely new clothes AND fancy hair bows and hairclips just waiting for her to put them all (!) into lovely clean hair.
💕One 12 year old boy became very excited upon seeing the new pyjamas in his Care Kit. They happened to be exactly the same as the ones he had to leave behind!
💕Two amazing emergency and short-term foster carers once had a child arrive with no underpants, needing an emergency night trip to the shops. The next time, children arrived with their new Care Kits and had everything needed to be comfortable for the next 2 days. These carers now help support Care Kits for Kids Qld through Containers for Change / donations so more children in crisis can benefit.
💕One young child didn’t know how to use a toothbrush. He had never owned one before, let alone a brand new one just for himself!
💕One year 9 student leader chose to support Care Kits for Kids Qld Inc through a donation drive for Year 7s at his high school for a Duke of Edinburgh award. The entire school community helped him achieve his goal.
💕One young girl mobilised her whole Grade 3 class to donate education items for Care Kits for Kits Qld.
💕One teenage girl used all her birthday money to put together a complete Care Kit for a teen girl doing it tough.
💕One young man from our disability group of volunteers proudly told everyone ‘I come to work, now!’
💕 A guest speaker at our thank you function for donors began with "I was one of those kids. I know what a huge difference it makes for a child to be given a Care Kit"
💕A mother who had escaped domestic violence with her children (and virtually nothing else), organised a huge donation for us at her large workplace as she knew how much of a practical difference, hope and comfort a comprehensive Care Kit can provide.

Many hundreds of items are needed for packing an average of 430 (up to 650) Care Kits every month.

You can help by donating any new items listed below through
a Donation Point near you, or through a financial donation.

See our Facebook Page pinned post for urgent needs and updates.

Queensland's at risk children

The plight of children in crisis or care is heartrending:

💔 Around 12,000 Queensland children aged 0 to 17 are living away from home.
💔 The number of children in out-of-home care increased by another 1036 children
in just one year to 30 June 2020.
💔 58% of  children in out-of-home care were Indigenous,
mostly placed with kin, other Indigenous carers or Indigenous residential services (2021)
💔 ICE drug use impacting the safety of children is significant.
More than 40% of children who came into the care of the department
during the 12 months to June 2021 had a parent with current or previous methamphetamine use.
💔 4,332 children were in need of protection from domestic violence as the child
did not have a parent able  and willing to protect them from harm.
💔 Another 2,441 children had one parent trying to protect them from family & domestic violence (FDV) 
💔 60% of sexual assault victims (3,435 victims) were under 18 years of age at the date of incident.
31% were FDV assaults. (ABS, 2021)  
💔 75% of households had multiple risk factors impacting safety of their children:
drug/alcohol abuse (63%), mental illness (54%), recent domestic and family violence (49%).
💔 We also provide Care Kits for children impacted by flood, fire,  disaster, refugee  or other events that leave them in need.

Sources: CYJMA 2020, 2021; ABS 2021



Handmade hearts
are placed in each Care Kit,
as unique as each child who receives them.
They are a pocket sized hug
from our community –
a message that each child matters,
and their community cares.





💕Thank you for caring💕