Contact Us
Make a difference
for a child in need ❣
We would love to hear from you. Contact us here:
Q: ‘I’ve had an emergency placement come to me tonight. The child’s clothing that was packed for her does not fit her, she only has 1 dirty toy and nothing else. Just wondering if you’re able to help?’
A: Yes, we can help. Submit a contact form and in the message section, give the name, phone and email address of the emergency placement organisation. We will send them an order form for Care Kits so they can ensure they have enough sizes to hand. Each emergency placement child can then be given a Care Kit in a size where clothing will fit, as well as toiletries, toys, school supplies books and a gorgeous handcrafted quilt or wrap.
Q: ‘I am escaping DFV. How can I find help?
A: FDV (Family & Domestic Violence) and crisis assistance links to suit your needs can be found anonymously through Ask Izzy.
Ask Izzy can search over 400,000 support services. There is a ‘quick exit’ button for safety.
If you’re on the Telstra or Vodafone mobile networks, you can access Ask Izzy on your phone even if you don’t have credit or access to wifi.
Care Kits for Kids Qld can also help by providing Care Kits (in the sizes children need) through any service provider / entity assisting children in care or crisis.
Ask your DFV service provider to submit a contact form ‘Request an Order Form’ if they have run out of your children’s sizes of Care Kits. They can then ensure they have enough Care Kits in various sizes on hand to give out to each child in a size where clothing will fit, as well as toiletries, toys, school supplies books and a gorgeous handcrafted quilt or wrap.
Handmade pocket-sized hearts are placed in each Care Kit.
They are created by ladies in our sewing groups from donated fabric left over from making items for the Care Kits.
Every heart is unique, just like the child who receives it.
Photo – Stephanie Hinrichs 2021
Oh… and did we mention Financial Donations can be made through Westpac branches or online direct deposit or PAYPAL? 😇
Make a difference! Donate now.
Thank you if you have the means to do so. 💖
Care Kits for Kids Qld Inc
BSB 034-108
Account 652559
Ref: Your name.
Email us with your donation details if you would like a receipt.
Gifts of $2 and over are tax deductible.
PAYPAL donations are very appreciated.